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Book Collections For Reading Recovery® And Grade 1:

Zap the Gap Collections
Three Set Minimum Per Order

Diversity Collections

Book Collections for Guided Reading

Getting Acquainted

The Icing on the Cake Collection

Our Icing On The Cake Collection contains 100 titles: 5 titles at each of 20 levels. Originally designed as an “add-to” set, there is no duplication of titles between the SongLake Books Collection and the Icing Collection. As with each of our collections, the books are collated from many popular companies.

Some order the Icing On The Cake Collection in conjunction with the SongLake Books Collection for a combined total of 400 tried and true titles that just seem to work with at-risk students.

The Icing Collection is also popular with continuing contact teachers who order it as a supplement to the training materials they received in their training year. Grade 1 classroom teachers and Title I/ESEA teachers use the Icing On The Cake Collection in one-to-one, small group, and independent instructional settings.

The Icing on the Cake Collection comes with its own set of labels to affix to each book. Each label contains the title, level, and word count of the book. Also included with each order is a list of books by level and another alphabetical listing citing level and word count.

Regardless of how you wish to use it, you will find the Icing on the Cake Collection is reliable and affordable.