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Book Collections For Reading Recovery® And Grade 1:

Zap the Gap Collections
Three Set Minimum Per Order

Diversity Collections

Book Collections for Guided Reading

Getting Acquainted

Grade 4 Levels P/Q

SongLake Books’ Zap the Gap Levels P/Q set consists of 20 titles. This collection is designed for children who read independently at level P, giving them nine books they can read easily and another nine only slightly more difficult at level Q.

This collection has been designed to “zap” the summer reading gap that struggling readers experience by providing them access to the most popular books at their readability level. These books have been carefully selected for their appeal to young readers and are collated from several different publishing companies.

Teachers find that these sets are adaptable to year-round programs as well as summer reading.

Our Zap the Gap Level P/Q Set is affordable and shipping is included within the continental United States. Please note that a minimum of any three Zap the Gap sets must be ordered in any combination and that each order comes with a set of 15 recipe cards!